Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Santa Cruz Here I come

For some reason i feel worse than I felt this morning. Oh dear And that is an Ironically BAD thing to happen. Now I feel so hot and aching throat and headachey probably because of the sudden hot weather.
Around this time, is an anxious time for seniors. As per usual for me full of regrets of what I have done, where I shouldve been more agressive. there "maybes" I shouldve and so on.
But my life is what it is now and i have to make the best of it. So far I've only been Accepted into California State University of Long Beach and University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC). Not bad considering I only applied to 6 schools and screwed up my applications. Better yet UCSC was my second choice of school so I was pretty excited when I got the e-mail at midnight last night.
My dad of course has to kill all of my achievements if it's not what he wants. I have to say realistically He's not likely to help pay for my college education either and that's a small chance even if I got into UCSD. He makes me feel bad for even trying to think for myself if it's not the same way he thinks, I can't stand having to listen to him so I try my best to tune him out even thought he means well.
Yet I keep checking my UCSD status to see if they had changed it or made a mistake.

Ok enough of my rant on colleges and my sickly self here are a few pics from sunday at the library...(sorry about the bad lighting couldnt fix it atm)

I believe this is what God wants me to know...
... that you cannot free yourself from a problem by shutting your eyes to it. To free yourself from a problem you have to acknowledge it and face it with your eyes and heart open.

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